Sunday: 2nd Day in Nice - Nonstop Israelis

22 years ago - #Provence

I barely remember waking up enough to join David for breakfast. I went back to the hotel room, took a little post-breakfast nap, a long bath, and then decided to greet the day. I took a walk through Old Nice again, going a little closer to the coast. I ended up at Promenade des Anglais and walked through the open market. They had fruit stands, flower strands, marzipan fruit stands, and spice stands with every spice you could imagine. David called me on my cell phone and said that he had time to do lunch. We met in the area of the open market for an uneventful but delicious lunch.

The view from the Musée Chagall
The view from the Musée Chagall

After lunch I decided to go to the Musée Chagall. I left the hotel and in one block realized I was lost. I took a new direction and discovered in two blocks, I was still lost. I eventually did get there, but I took many wrong turns and probably spent twice as much time walking as was necessary. The visit was well worth it. This particular museum was dedicated to images of the Old Testament. I always thought Chagall's work was interesting, but seeing his work together, especially the 17 images of the Biblical Message, made me a convert. After the museum visit, I knew the direction that the hotel was in, so I decided to be lost for a while. I wandered around a wealthy section of town looking at houses before heading back to the hotel.

David finished his conference duties about the same time I got back. His presentation went well. We decided to take a walk up to the town park, which is high on a bluff. There are some ruins and a large, planned waterfall that can be seen from pretty much any point in the city. On the way up, we ran into an Israeli colleague of David's. The park also has two cemeteries: one of which is a Jewish cemetery. Both cemeteries were closed, but we peeked in and were very impressed with what we saw.

After the park excursion, we met two other Israelis, Benny and Chanah, for dinner. We went to a restaurant that served primarily seafood for dinner along the Promenade des Anglais. I had a fantastic grilled lobster - they threw in some fennel. Fantastique!

This post is part of a series called...
Travel to the South of France
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Today, there was more touring of Provence. We started off going to Cavaillon to see a cathedral and a synagogue. The cathedral and cloister were beautiful and the synagogue was a highlight.
I can't say that we had the best flight to Nice. We couldn't get seats together on the flight out, but a woman was kind enough to switch with us. We didn't sleep much at all on the flight over, so by the time we got to Heathrow, we were pretty tired. And then our flight kept getting delayed, we got stuck on the runway, and we sat next to this crazy woman that kept shifting every five seconds and was crying (literally) about not being able to sit at the window.