8 years ago
I have entered a new phase in my life. We hired a new house cleaner and he is bringing his husband to make the cleaning go quicker which means that I have added a domestic couple to the house staff. I always imagined that when this day came, it would be a middle-aged British couple. They would spend their day off at a picnic and the husband would say "Did Master Keith seem rather despondent this week?" and his wife would respond "It's our day off, Reginald. Please can we have one day's respite from talking of Master Keith's moods."

Some comments from Facebook...

Heehee! Where's Betty? And, oh. Tell her Suzie said hi.
Rosemary Feneziani
81!!? Bloody Nora! I hope Gogo doesn't growl at the new cleaner.
Rosemary Feneziani
So you rn http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view1/4605451/what-is-a-weekend-o.gif
Jon Herzog
I miss Betty.
Christine Marran
And Gogo does too.
Christine Marran
Thoughts of you occupy much of our precious free time.
Abby Factor
It's just (sorta) like the plot to The Remains of the Day!
Raffy Dakessian
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