9 years ago
Can anyone recommend the movie Mulholland Dr? Does it sort of make sense? I tried to watch it once, got massively confused and then spontaneously fell asleep.

Some comments from Facebook...

It is GREAT.
Dave Stringer Hughes
It is easily my favorite Lynch film.
Dave Stringer Hughes
Okay. That's all I needed. Thanks.
Keith Marran
It is super weird and difficult. Watching it after having acquainted yourself with some of the popular theories of what is going on might be useful.
Dave Stringer Hughes
It's difficult and it's SCARY!
Jake Weatherman
It's best to simply let Lynch's later stuff; Lost Highway Mullholland Dr. Inland Empire. Just let it have its way with you. Skip notions like meaning, plot, character development. I love lynch and all 3 of these flicks. The only true surrealist working in film today.
Andrew Farrell
Same here..
Percy Steinhart
Gerry Braun
LOVE it to death
Noah Fecks
It's really amazing and once you have an idea of what's going on it's a giant emotional gutpunch and an incredibly savage polemic. I think.
T'ai Chu-Richardson
The first part was an unsold pilot that's promising. The shorter second part was done later and makes no fucking sense. My least favorite Lynch film.
Matthew Carlin
Fantastic. I made Gregory watch it quite recently and there is a Slate.com article that just came out about it.
Thomas Rogers
I loved it when I was stoned out of my skull in college. A sober viewing last year was not nearly as enjoyable.
Coleman O'Toole
I completely enjoy that film because it's such a confusing trip. It's more like visual poetry or a creepy dream. It's shot beautifully too.
Justin Winslow
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