The First Round of Renovations

15 years ago - #house

The first renovation included the kitchen (since the only kitchen is in Benji's unit), the living room, and one of the bathrooms.

Luckily, my sister planned to get married in our house that summer. She would often stop by, talk to the workers, and remind them that she was getting married there. It helped keep the project on track. We didn't have counter tops in time for the wedding, but Dad went down to the local lumber yard (yes, NYC has lumber yards) and had some plywood cut to fit and we placed table cloths over it. All in all, we were shockingly ready for the wedding.

During this renovation, our only kitchen was on the top floor. We had a hot plate, a microwave, and a mini-fridge on the top floor. And we only had one bathroom which we shared with the construction crew. Looking back on it, I don't know how we managed during this phase of construction. I had taken the attitude that it might never end and we could live like this for our entire lives. I was then pleasantly surprised when it was all done.

This post is part of a series called...
The House Tour
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The second floor. This is really our floor. It has Gogo's room, the family/entertainment room, and master bedroom.
Shortly after finishing the new kitchen, we saw a commercial for Martha Stewart. We were stunned to realize that we had unknowingly (I swear!) built Martha Stewart's kitchen....except we have a better countertop. But in terms of "look and feel" Martha and ourselves are in agreement. This is either very good or very bad. After spending any amount of time in the kitchen, you will be forced to agree that we nailed it. Especially on a summer day, the doors open to the backyard, everyone hanging around the island without me having to yell, "GET OUT OF MY WAY! I'M COOKING." You will soon forget you are in Manhattan. Let's take a tour through the kitchen with David, shall we?
If you want a virtual tour of the house, this is the place to start. When we bought it, it was the Bowery Mission Women's Home. Even though it's been privately owned for 8 years now, we still occasionally get visitors to the house hoping that it's still a mission home. Sad, I know.