The Creamsicle Room

21 years ago - #post-renovation

When we first renovated the living room, we had picked out a color called "milquetoast" that was very plain beige on the swatch. By the time we got to painting the living room, we were exhausted with renovations. The painters first got paints that were the same number from a different paint manufatcurer. It came out very dark olive green. David came home and said, "wrong, wrong, wrong!" The next day he came home and they had painted a panel with the rigth color, but on the wall it came out very peachy. I didn't say anything because I figured David would tell them the color was wrong. However, the color was right and David was too tired to pick a new color. So our living room became "The Creamsicle Room".

Gogo poses in front of the hole in the wall that will be the fireplace.
Gogo poses in front of the hole in the wall that will be the fireplace.

Whenever we told people that we weren't sure that the color worked, the response was always "Oh, no, it works great for this room. Don't change anything." When we put in the fireplace we had to repaint and we decided that enough was enough. As soon as we started telling people that we were repainting, the response was always, "Good. This peachy-orange doesn't work."

Here are some pictures with the new paint job.

You can see a close-up of the floor in this picture.

In this is the new centerpiece of the room...the fireplace. It's from the same time period of the house taken from another Manhattan townhouse.

Take a tour of the living room.

This post is part of a series called...
The House Tour
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The second floor. This is really our floor. It has Gogo's room, the family/entertainment room, and master bedroom.
Shortly after finishing the new kitchen, we saw a commercial for Martha Stewart. We were stunned to realize that we had unknowingly (I swear!) built Martha Stewart's kitchen....except we have a better countertop. But in terms of "look and feel" Martha and ourselves are in agreement. This is either very good or very bad. After spending any amount of time in the kitchen, you will be forced to agree that we nailed it. Especially on a summer day, the doors open to the backyard, everyone hanging around the island without me having to yell, "GET OUT OF MY WAY! I'M COOKING." You will soon forget you are in Manhattan. Let's take a tour through the kitchen with David, shall we?
If you want a virtual tour of the house, this is the place to start. When we bought it, it was the Bowery Mission Women's Home. Even though it's been privately owned for 8 years now, we still occasionally get visitors to the house hoping that it's still a mission home. Sad, I know.