I'm obsessed with pre-fab mini homes

14 years ago - #NYC#obsessions

Perhaps it was all the news footage of Chelsea Clinton's wedding, but I have become obsessed with the notion of getting a mini pre-fab home in the country. Sara had shown me this site a while ago: "http://www.weehouse.com":http://www.weehouse.com and I can't stop looking at the images. A little house upstate to retreat to...ahh...sounds perfect.

Now I need to figure out where I'm going to get the money for such a house.

My favorites are the McGlasson and the Marfa, by the way.

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Around 12-15 years ago, I discovered a mix tape that belonged to a friend of mine. The tape was called "Schlock Around the Clock" and it was a revelation. I don't think I recognized any of the music on it. It juxtaposed The Cramps with Eartha Kitt. It had movie clips spliced into the songs. I listened to it non-stop and it kicked off years of musical obsessions and CD hunting.
If you live in NYC, you should go see Wig Out! at The Vineyard Theater.