9 years ago
He's all like "dinosaurs just want to eat burgers and play video games with their bros and then meet up for bangin' hot sex later!" and she's like "Sex? Ew. That sounds gross and sticky. I'd rather eat lettuce at home and organize my sweaters." Because men are from Awesome Mars and women are from some icy, spreadsheet planet.

Some comments from Facebook...

Who's watching this for story or characterization? Bring me the DINOSAURS!!!!!
Stevie Disme
Point taken.
Keith Marran
But she has to be an ice queen so he can thaw her and they can find love by the end of the movie. How ELSE are they supposed to develop a female character?
Chris Eades
I was never excited about this. Jeff Goldblum played Jeff Goldblum and then other white people ran. Meh.
Graham Nolan
I hope this is enjoyed by the same people who neglected to see how racist Transformers is.
Graham Nolan
Isn't Transformers everything-ist? Racist, sexist, awfulist...
Keith Marran
I do admire that Chris Pratt has based his characterization entirely on Ben Affleck.
Thomas Rogers
Men are from Mars, velociraptors are also from Mars.
T'ai Chu-Richardson
Beyond relevant: http://www.amazon.com/Space-Raptor-Invasion-Chuck-Tingle-ebook/dp/B00S4B95RQ
Adam Pollock
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